

Thursday, December 28, 2017

the chanter

it begins with breath and
your hands upon its warmth
seeking the rise and fall
over the long smooth wasted form

each time reconnecting building
familiarity with heart and brain
those neural pathways defining newness—
union between heart and soul

breath in and out, a tantric rhythm
seducing with touch coaxing sweetly
melodic wales, haunting and taunting
spilling forth in sacred crescendo

you stand one cold fog-laden day
upon the ocean shore
her edges lap quietly at your feet
frothy and white, playfully so

and you, naked beneath the tartan
breathe into her—all rises
over ears catching the song
you rise beneath the heaviness of cloth

I wait for the day you tease and
coax the chanter to sing its songs
at the ocean edge where I will dance
in jubilation knowing you are free

and the notes coalesce in the misty brine
tears indistinguishable in the wetness
that envelope us all
in that moment we awaken

27 December 2017

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