

Tuesday, October 13, 2015

Deepening Love

once the love projections fall away
after the sheer delight in one another
while still aglow,
when that time of bliss
when that perfection leaves room
for one another's humanness--
then, oh yes, then,
that relationship begins to grow--
realistically with deepening love


Coffee Shop Musings

sitting in a warm hum of
music and background chatter
a phone rings, cars drive by and
mothers push their strollers

intersections move us through life—
forward, not backward
we are ready whether we are
ready or not

and it is our choice how we take that step

Austen says it’s character and conduct—
preceded by reason and logic
Bronte and her sisters embrace –
love and passion

my understanding speaks to no black and white—
 or one solution
only simple presence and conscious action—
 in each and every moment

8 September 2015

A Sacred Word

Trust is a rich word.
Even a sacred sound
when rolled
upon my tongue
and let go
into the air.

so allusive,
I desire to crawl
into a ball
and go to sleep,
avoiding aloneness
and the fear
that joy and love
are forever

Wanting to sleep
and awaken to
another reality,
sometimes, but
to sameness.

Yet, each time I shift,
if only slightly.
get up--greet a smile
upon my face,
go out
and embrace
the moment.

When shifting
back into the grace
and beauty,
love, song and joy abound.

Trust as allusive,
is worthy of such a


Monday, October 12, 2015


The pixels were beginning to form into an image—positive and negative spaces around each and one another—connecting with absence and presence of forms .  The highlights emphasized that which existed, and suggested that which might appear—but had not yet—as in the water colour painting that suggests through white cellulose paper, the sunlight, clouds, waves and their froth, smiles, and gaiety.

The absence of colour--the very purity of all essence—halos on angels, glowing hearts, pearl necklaces and brides' flowing gowns—essences without edges—the flow and movement of life and ultimately, growth—for all life is chaotic change—energy in constant flux—our aliveness and ability to thrive in the in-betweens and the peaks and valleys.  

The string of moments held together creating form that reflects our nature—our character—our pattern—and to which we claim our unique Self and the Universe in which our Soul journey flies and thrives. 

12 October 2015