

Monday, January 25, 2016

Free Flight

Can people be the sustenance of our life?
The very rocks upon which we stand?
And climb?
The soil into which we dig and sow our gardens?
The shared air we breathe--in and out, in and out?
Ether onto which we gaze and wonder?
Hearts openly sharing joy and happiness?

Can people be the sustenance of our life?
Or must we cultivate our own ground?
Our own grounding?
Rooted in self-love that seeps from our core?
Sprouting happiness
Sustained in fertile seeds we plant and reap?
Ever vigilant in the lone hours? 

Can people be the sustenance of our life?
Or must we satiate our soul’s desires, alone
On paths, separately searching?
Or perhaps, just perhaps,
Along side
Hand-in-hand with our beloved--
Our paths converging in free-flight.

25 January 2016