

Tuesday, May 10, 2016

Vibrational Colour

Some pay heed to all precautionary rules and regulations—holding fast to the safety of concreteness to which they cling.  Gripped as they are in fear of impending chaos, so they are of uncertainty and flow, aligning with authority’s guidelines used to assert control over the masses.  They join in with the policing of not only themselves, but everyone in their inner circles and outer-reaching circles with aplomb.  And with this certainty, assert their intellect and daily energies to ensure the captivity of everyone and everything within their own vulnerable sense of life.

Yellow corresponds with earth in ancient Chinese, generating Yin and Yang, as it was revered as the center of everything.  It represented freedom from worldly cares, therefore, was esteemed by Buddhist traditions as it signified the Middle Path, that is, the absence of form and emptiness.  The Imperial Chinese decorated their royal palaces yellow, exalting their power, reverence and authority, symbolically.

Eastern cultures revere yellow as a symbol of heroism, yet in America, it is the colour of cowardice and caution.

The culture into which we are born is not necessarily the culture we must embrace for the wisdom of our inner light.  Living with love, without precaution, fear, or need to control either other elements in our world or ourselves,  we can find alignment regardless of our cultural origins.  This brightness reflects our ability to shine, connecting with our God /Goddess is within.

Yellow can be whatever we choose, if we understand we have choice.  And with that choice, we live a life of freedom.

10 May 2016

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