

Monday, November 16, 2015


Drawn closely, with curiosity and intensity, distilling within brain cells and heart-centered neurons, the essence of that which powers forward as a train on its unending tracks through uncharted forested land, up impossibly steep mountain slopes and across immensely wild rivers.

Unstoppable in the draw of natural forces rendering reason mute-- sharpening receptors to their finest posture of perception—antennas, shooting like stars into the ethers—hungering for more connection to the thread-like energy tugging as a scent or waft of familial memory that captures hold and draws in, forcing breath away, causing pause before searching for more.


It is that first connection—infant babe, blind and wholly intuitive, seeking breast, heart- beat and warmth once expelled from a warm womb.  That long life, long journey, now to become one’s own--the care, love and understanding of nurturance in those moments, hours, weeks and early years.

It is about that attraction—the compatibility and sense of responsibility and capacity of the mother, that is the send-off for the rest of one’s life-- for the ease or dis-ease, the peacefulness or angst, the love or sorrow, the security or vulnerability, the certainty or doubt, the successes or failures, trust or fear--these dualities in which we ebb and flow, wax and wane, crescendo and decrescendo--the way in which all life grows, matures and ultimately expires—and in which choice matters in each and every abstraction distilled and picked among dualities, unavoidably so. 

26 October 2015

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