

Tuesday, January 3, 2017

Galaxies Imaginable and Probable

Cruising the galaxies, one foot in earth-time and the other in wide stance, catty wonk, attempting alignment in the aether—I am tilted, stretching upward catching higher vibrations, head and arms outside a window, viewing, flailing, sensing time, space and the infinitesimal vibrational pull at my core, teasingly, coaxingly, to continue my journeying into this outer orbit beyond familiarity in the earthly realm—although an intimate home to my soul’s topographical knowing.

Galactic vastness of spaciousness, possibility and even probability, yet of no matter, earthly or orbital.  A moment unfolds facets new in these gracious vibrational baths.  Breath stilled.  Breeze, too.  Elation and wonder insistently expanding my rib cage, erupting higher vibrational rhythms into my throat chakra, upwards through moistened lips with corners rising acutely, eyes squinting sharply laying crow’s feet, sweetened lines, deeper, longer—the signature of joyfulness in moments connecting consciously, intentionally, vibrationally.

Galaxies transporting souls whose flights weigh heavily in earthly time and nimbly, lightly on the aether.  Of two worlds, our humanness once dividing, now marrying dualities–yin and yang, light and shadow, awake and asleep—dream time, all time—existing harmoniously parallel and intertwining in this galactic space.  With no beginning, no ending, connected and fluid without pause for matter of either.

When galaxies merge and vibrations intersect in their flow of correctness, when fluid breathing and softened vision tracks vibrational parallels of hearts’ delight, sensual quickening—erotic connecting, dance—a timelessness unfolds, sparking energies melding, overlapping, coming, quieting, then back again, and again. While of less earthly matter, but not insignificant, the soul seeks unrelentingly this communion of heart, spirit and body—a lifetime of journeying and many more lifetimes, until found.

Galactic flight transcends earthly knowing when souls meet in heightened time and space.  Within the special ethereal continuum, life unfolds love.  Boundaryless containment—their air, passing over, beneath, through all matter, defining improbable statistical alignments—yet when these souls prepare and present Life, the dreams dared dreamed and held with love and care, magic happens.

2 January 2017